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Gynecology Specialist

Warner Wellness Institute

Christopher A. Warner, MD, FACOG

Board Certified OBGYN & Cosmetic Gynecologist located in Medstar Washington Hospital Center, Washington, DC

Gynecology is an essential aspect of women’s health and a need that should never be overlooked. At Warner Wellness Institute in Washington, DC, Christopher A. Warner, MD, is proud to provide outstanding care for a full range of gynecologic conditions. Learn more about these services by booking online or over the phone.

Gynecology Q & A

What is gynecology?

Gynecology is a medical specialty focused on addressing needs related to a woman’s reproductive health. Those needs will shift and change as you move through the phases of life, and having a trusted gynecologist to partner with is a great way to ensure you remain as healthy as possible. 

Some of the issues a gynecologist can treat or address include:

  • Birth control
  • Abnormal bleeding
  • Fertility care
  • Uterine fibroids
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome
  • Sexually transmitted disease
  • Endometriosis
  • Menopause
  • Post-menopause care

Women require gynecology care from the time they reach their late teenage years through menopause and beyond. Dr. Warner is proud to be the gynecologist of choice for so many women in the Washington, DC, area. 

What makes Warner Wellness Institute unique?

Dr. Warner has built his practice on a foundation of customized care. He approaches each woman as a distinct individual, with a unique set of needs and goals. That level of personalized attention allows him to craft individualized treatment plans when needed and to get to know you and your needs. 

Services go beyond merely treating symptoms as they arise. Dr. Warner and his team focus on enhancing your overall health and wellness and incorporate that approach into every interaction. 

Patient education is an essential part of that process. You’ll learn how to protect yourself from disease, boost your health, and choose treatment options that align with your overall health goals. 

Warner Wellness Institute is also an industry leader in delivering care using the latest advancements in medical technology. Dr. Warner was among the first gynecologists in the Washington, DC, area to offer innovative and groundbreaking techniques to those in his care. 

When should I see a gynecologist?

According to the American Board of Gynecologists, young women should begin seeing a gynecologist between the ages of 13-15. These early visits provide an opportunity to build a trusting relationship with Dr. Warner and to get answers to questions about menstruation, birth control, and safe sex practices. 

You should see your gynecologist once a year for a well-woman exam. These visits provide the screening you need to stay healthy and are an opportunity to learn how to enhance your overall health and wellness. 

Routine Pap smear testing is part of your well-woman exams. This diagnostic tool can detect cervical cancer in the earliest stages. Early treatment has vastly reduced the mortality rate of cervical cancer, which was once among the most deadly cancers in women. 

You should also book an appointment any time you experience changes or symptoms that concern you. Scheduling an appointment takes very little time using the online booking tool, and you can also call to speak with a member of the administrative staff.